I am the Wall Race
The Wall Race focuses on the basic robot skill of wall following. Each robot will follow along a wall, make a turn, and proceed to make contact with a box. After making contact, the robot must retrace its route, contacting a second box located behind the robot's starting position. Two robots will run at a time, on either the left or the right side paths. The robot that finished first is the winner.
There are many ways to make a wall following robot. Robots designed for Polyathlon may already have enough sensors, or could be easily modified with 1-2 distance sensors to do the job. Another option is to use a Pololu Romi or Zumo kit with a Protractor Proximity Sensor.
Code for the above example using a Pololu original Zumo with Protractor Sensor can be found here: https://github.com/robogao/WallRace
The Wall Race competition was designed with several goals in mind:
Head to head competitions are much more entertaining for audiences to watch.
Participation is greatly increased when the event can be done using popular robot kits with only minor modifications.
Wall following is a basic robot skill but is not part of any existing AHRC event.
Avoid building any new playing fields or other equipment as much as possible.
Maybe in the future a wall following event can be added to Polyathlon.