Beacon Finding
In an effort to improve and share navigation technology we have created a contest based on the idea of a navigational beacon. This contest may be modified if it proves to be too simple. Additions to the contest rules are expected as more and more working beacons are demonstrated.
Objective: A robot (in a random orientation) placed in a 2' x 2' square starting location must travel to a beacon located at the center of a 1' x 1' square. The fastest robot to arrive at the beacon (touching any part of the 1' x 1' square box) wins the contest.
Details: The start location and the beacon are located 10' apart. There are no obstacles between the squares. The contest will be held on a carpeted or tiled floor. Lighting will vary, so make sure to have a robot that can work in various lighting conditions.
Note: Since originally conceived in 2000 this contest has been rolled into the Polyathlon as Beacon Killer with slightly different rules.